Councilor Lorraine Allen shared an update from the Smiths Falls Public Library Board and the Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario during Tuesday night’s council meeting.
The ceiling in the children’s area on the top floor of the library had been leaking; repairs have been completed and the leaks are gone. The children’s department is now opened to the public. As well, in-person preschool programs for children ages 1-5 are back on the schedule on Wednesday afternoons and Friday mornings.
The Library Board will be looking for price quotes for the purchase and installation of eavestroughing, which is long overdue. The library has also been giving books to children and families using the local food bank. There is a wide variety of books and reading levels represented in the donated books.
The library is in the process of updating its strategic plan and welcomes public input to inform its planning. The survey can be found at .
The Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario (RMEO) has been planning upcoming events for 2022. These include the wildly popular Harry Potter’s Magical Station; the Dining Car Supper Club; and High Tea in a Dining Car.
The trains in the museum are largely inaccessible for wheelchair users; RMEO is looking at installing benches on an accessible car in order to “offer rides for seniors and those with mobility handicaps,” explained Councilor Allen.
More access for visitors and more events to draw us in: the museum will be an appealing local destination again this year.