The Annual Lake 88 Radiothon for local health care has raised $122,475 for local hospitals and community health care centres. And we can’t thank you enough.
Lake 88 Radiothon Founder Brian Perkin said once again, the community stepped up. “It’s been an incredible rush to see so many people supporting the local hospitals and community health centres. It’s just incredible the support that comes in and of course, all those donations are greatly needed.”
The radiothon ran for 12 hours from 6am until 6pm on October 12th and saw Lake 88 hosts joined by physicians, nurses, patients, family of past patients, valued volunteers and healthcare administrators, all working together to increase the awareness of local health care programs and raise the money need to fund them and hospital equipment and supplies.

The station once again partnered with the Almonte General Hospital/Fairview Manor Foundation, the Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital Foundation, the Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital Foundation, as well as Country Roads Community Health Centre, ConnectWell Community Health and Rideau Community Health Services.
This is the fifth time the major healthcare fundraiser has been held by Lake 88 (now a division of ‘My Broadcasting Corporation’), and Lake 88 operations Manager Bob Perreault said our listening area lived up to its reputation. “This is what we see in Lanark County, the hospitals and community health centres put out a call and residents, businesses, service clubs, they all answer it. It makes it possible for our healthcare providers to deliver the world-class healthcare we need.”
The Lake 88 Radiothon for Local Healthcare has now raised just over $600,000 for local health care in its five-year run. Planning for the sixth annual Radiothon will begin shortly.