Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. All roads led to the Den Friday night for an exciting game of hockey of course. The Ottawa Junior Senators team came to town to show who’s the Ceasar on the ice, but met their Brutus instead. In a brawl filled game it was the Bears who eventually came out with a 5:2 win.
Travis Ouellette, assisted by Owen Watson and Matthed Dimaline, started with a distinct Bears specialty, a score very early just 1:16 into the game.
Kyle James scored next, this time already in the second period, at 2:34, assisted by Kyle Dagg. Trevor Faucher, with some help by Shaymus Stevenson, followed suit at 6:59, and Jackson Heron thought what they can do I can too, and scored a beautiful powerplay goal at the 18:02 mark, with the assists credited to Owen Watson and Lucas Culhane. However Ottawa managed to get a spot on the scoreboard shortly after also with a powerplay goal, shot by Michael Gallary at19:41.

Ottawa’s Ben Albright narrowed the gap between the teams even further, driving the puck into the net at 8:33 in the third period. This got the Bears to their claws out once more to shred the Senators for good with the final score of the night at 8:57. Kyle James and Tyson Parker assisted here.
The Bears won the game with a solid 5:2 result on the scoreboard.
Unlike the weak game just a week prior, the team was back with a powerful barrage of 32 shots on the net, while Ottawa only managed 20 shots.
Kyle James earned First Star with one goal and one assist each, Owen Watson took home Second Star for two assists, and Jordan Graham from the Senators grabbed Third Star also for two assists.
The Bears still occupy the top position in the Robinson Division with a comfortable 59 points at 44 games, while runner up Renfrew lies behind with only 512 points at 46 games. In overall standings, Smiths Falls moved up to second spot, but Rockland is only one point behind.