Exclusive: Rideau Lakes mayor speaks out after stepping back amid council chaos

LAURIE WEIR In a move reflecting the growing instability within Rideau Lakes council, Mayor Arie Hoogenboom speaks out after announcing he will step back from mayoral duties within the township. […]

By-election chosen to fill vacant council seat in Rideau Lakes

LAURIE WEIR The Rideau Lakes Municipal Services Committee has opted for a by-election to fill the vacant seat left by Joan Delaney following her resignation on March 4. During the […]

BREAKING: Rideau Lakes Mayor Arie Hoogenboom steps back amid council tensions

LAURIE WEIR Mayor Arie Hoogenboom has announced he is stepping back from some of his mayoral duties at the Township of Rideau Lakes, citing ongoing conflicts with members of council […]

Rideau Lakes ex-councillor and husband challenge township’s rezoning delays

Rideau Lakes ex-councillor and husband challenge township’s rezoning delays LAURIE WEIR Joan Delaney and Bob Butcher have been battling with the Township of Rideau Lakes over a zoning amendment to […]

Rideau Lakes Township to provide more public updates

LAURIE WEIR Will Rideau Lakes Township staff face more work, or will ratepayers simply receive more information? Deputy Mayor Paula Banks believes residents aren’t getting enough updates about township affairs […]

Grand opening for Portland Hall set for May long weekend

Chair debate gets $10,000 pre-budget approval LAURIE WEIR The Township of Rideau Lakes will celebrate the opening of the new Portland Hall and Library in May, with a pre-approved budget […]

Third-party flags will continue to fly in Rideau Lakes

LAURIE WEIR The Township of Rideau Lakes will continue to allow third-party flags after a proposed bylaw change was defeated during its third reading at a regular council meeting on […]

Rideau Lakes council votes no confidence in Mayor Hoogenboom

Coun. Joan Delaney resigns; Paula and Jeff Banks face monetary penalties LAURIE WEIR Tensions ran high at Rideau Lakes Township council on Monday, March 3, as a non-confidence motion against […]

Unofficial results: Steve Clark re-elected as MPP for LGTIRL

STAFF WRITER Incumbent Steve Clark will return as the Member of Provincial Parliament for Leeds-Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes after a decisive victory on Feb. 27 in the provincial election. […]

Rideau Lakes campaigns reach over a million people

SUBMITTED Rideau Lakes Economic Development Committee undertook a Digital Content Strategy, and two campaigns were launched, reaching 1,273,891 people in the first two years. The two campaigns included the Experience Rideau […]