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  • thoughts on “Perth

    1. Al Jones

      The Almonte Lawn Bowling Club begins it’s new season on Monday, 7 May, 2018,preceded by our annual yard sale on 5 May. All new members are welcomed to our Club and this great sport. We play Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening at 6:45 PM.
      Ladies league,Ttuesday mornings, 9:00 AM

      Contact: Al Jones, 613-256-9997

    2. Carolyn Lawrence

      I totally agree with everything you said in your your article Carrie – The Economy of Mothers.
      I felt this way when I was raising my kids in the late seventies, early eighties, and was swimming upstream with those views even back then.. I know it is even harder now.
      I chose to be at home for 13 years to be available to provide full-time nurturing and guidance for my children. When they were 9 and 13, I went back to school full-time for three years as a divorced parent, then entered a career outside the home, which I am still in.
      I however, consider my chosen work that I did at home raising my kids, my first career and most valuable work.
      You are right, the role of mother should not be negated or diminished by a society that places a title, a bank balance, or some tax dollars above raising children. And other mothers too should be more supportive, not judgemental or critical of those mothers who choose to work within their home and raise their children..
      You are not alone!

    3. Georges Routhier

      What a waste of time! All council has to do is a little reading to find out all they ask for is a prerequisite from Health Canada. You must be zoned correctly and be able to prove it for Cannabis. You must notify LEO, Local counsel, and EMS prior to sending in an application. You need to follow all local requirements no matter how ill-thought-out they are. Do your job counsel try reading. By the way, cannabis is recognized as an agriculture crop you can’t stop it!

      1. Georges Routhier

        They are mixing MMAR and commercial licenses together and this just confuses everyone even more. They are two different programs with two very different sets of rules. Give me a call I’ll explain then you can write a more effective letter.

    4. Olena Zelena

      Well said, Ms Wynne.
      However well-run a daycare institution, there is no substitute, for young children, for the care of an attentive LOVING mother. Day-care workers might be kind and well-meaning but there is not the same sense of belonging or permanence. And mothers with jobs outside the home often don’t have much time for their children at those times when they are home together, because there are so many household tasks that need doing.
      Of course, many mothers can’t afford to stay home with kids. Or they don’t want to interrupt a career that’s going well. There is no easy answer. But I’m glad to read an argument in support of stay-at-home mothers.

    5. Tara Angel

      Smiths Falls Town council should never have got rid of angled parking on Beckwith St. to begin with. It was a money grab that the vast majority of citizens never agreed with. A monumental waste of our tax-payer’s dollars!

    6. Clare

      Christians at their finest. 😠
      Is this what Jesus would do?
      At least they will have somewhere to park the car they are living in.
      #disgraceful #IsthiswhatJesuswoulddo #Christiansattheirfinest

    7. Ronald Brown

      The town is so concerned about this type of housing why didn’t they do it at the old high school(a much bigger building)? The town could also move the house at Lombard & Abbott street to a town owned lot or give it to someone instead of tearing it down .There are vacant housing units around town the town could fix up like on the corner Main across the street from the Anglican church.

    8. Brian Noall

      Not to say that country music is “BAD”, but we folks that grew up in the 50’s,60,70’s and 80’s have no real station to listen to locally. Guess you are forcing us to grow up and dust off the Walkmans, buy an MP3 player or use our mobile devices. “THAT’S IT, ROGERS WANTS US TO USE OUR MOBILE DEVICES LIKE THE STEVEN KING MOVIE … The CELL” Oh so bad of Roger’s

    9. Carole Harrison

      Housing seems a more important issue than parking.
      The church could perhaps contract for a bus shuttle (ie Healey’s) to collect folks that are too far from or incapable of walking to church. Affordable housing should be the priority.

    10. Todd

      Smiths Falls town council’s next part of their housing plan is to shame residents who have spare rooms into donating them to fix this problem. They will also start taxing people with unused garage and parking space at their residences.
      Anime who is behind this stunt by Chris should be more than willing to donate their own space for people that need housing.
      Thanks for all the volunteers.

    11. Peter Maddock

      What would be considered “affordable rent” for a one bedroom unit in Smiths Falls? Can anyone answer this question?

    12. Dan Smith

      Well, did you hear the collective click as we all deleted 92.3 from our radios? Way to go Rogers, I’ve already programmed in 98.3 Fly FM (Bell Media) in Jacks old spot. Now I switch back and forth between Fly and 99.7 Boom (Corus).

    13. Kerry

      Dear Mr. O’Hearn,
      Thanks very much for this article. Fascinating piece, and nicely illustrated and very well written.

    14. Kerry

      Dear Ms. Wynn,
      Thank you so much for this. I agree 100% with your perspective, and thank you for reminding me of Dr. Farmer’s remarks. He was bang on, in my view.
      Thank you once again for such a thought-providing and passionate essay.

    15. #RealMayorofSF

      Great work by Tomlinson Construction. You guys are real professionals. You only left $2000 on the table. That’s the way to do business. It takes alot of skill to be able to grab all that money. Very respectable 👍👍. 👎👎to the Town of Smith’s Falls. Maybe if council appointed someone to be on site every day to oversee the work, we could of had an extra $1000000 for phase 2. The coffee bill for the workers on the project was more then $2000. Pathetic you people are despicable..

    16. Penny McLaughlin

      Just get a plan and vaccines into our arms – every area around us has started – why here??

    17. Marty Phillion

      Mr Hillier has sounded his own death knell in his political career me thinks !! Too bad too . At one time he was a force to reckon with . No longer !!!

    18. daryl

      So people on odsp and old age pension should see money from the Ontario government .because the cost of everything is to high to live

    19. KimberleyAnn Hickman

      Hello I just want to say how disappointed I am with the parking downtown, I hate it, I’m in a wheelchair and it’s very different for me to get out on the road side, I don’t know who changed it but the didn’t think of wheelchair users.
      None of downtown is accessible for wheelchair users, Smiths Falls is not for handicapped people. You have no idea how cut off we are.

    20. Helen Paul

      Thank you for being so quick in cleaning up the spill. Accidents will happen I am glad that you have kept us informed of this situation. The canal is the major scenic point of our town.

    21. Rita

      Wow… that really sucks. I will have to move in the future and was impressed with the high end finish of the condo’s here. I was seriously looking to move there, but not any more. The town should not have allowed this flip from the original plan they approved. The fact that it was once a hotel has nothing to do with it

    22. Susan

      I live in a hundred year old house in Smiths Falls and I wish there was somewhere I could go to get money to fix it up or lowered taxes for 10 years. Our tax money just goes to help new businesses come to town, make some money and then often leave again without repaying public loans. I plan to stay here and I care about our town. Not sure that the decisions being made around this hotel/residence are the best for out town.

    23. Kerry

      Best of luck, Ms. Poag. I look forward to reading your articles, and salute your commitment to your community.

    24. Chuck

      The catholic system is was and always will be a safe haven for pedophiles. Its okay to ruin/destroy/end someone else’s life because Sunday you will be forgiven and allowed to go back out and do it all over cause the next Sunday is just a few more days away. The fact that its being covered up is proof that it is accepted and will continue. This is a ‘regular’ public catholic school. Much worse in private and boarding schools and of course shall we mention the worst atrocity: residential schools. But Hey! Sundays only a couple more days away. Repulsive

    25. Kerry B

      Mr. Dunlop will be greatly missed. A thank you, Mr. Dunlop, for your dedicated service.

    26. Tom Patterson

      it would be nice to see what changes are being made to improve traffic flow?? the drawing in this article shows landscape and trails.

    27. Peter Maddock

      If we improve traffic through this bottleneck, it will just pile up at the next traffic light!!

    28. Aaron Hoffman

      Bryan Pollock has come to our place twice for my late father and recently my mother…. a total gentleman & professional

    29. Peter Maddock

      We “spoke up” about angle parking on phase one and no one listened! No sense in talking to a wall!

    30. Tony Humphrey

      thank you for publicizing Wood Graveyard Ted. If any readers can shed any light on the twenty plus headstones that were taken in the seventies please drop a line to Leisa or I at Heritage House. All records of who is Buried at the site have been lost but we believe at least twenty six burials on the site.Tony Humphrey

    31. Phil

      I’ve decided not to renew my ATV trail pass or make local related purchases this year, as I’m not trailing my machine 200 feet down the road to keep the CP Mayor happy!

    32. Karen

      I would like to help clean up at 1pm on Saturday, ?

      The “” address is not found.

      Thank you and have an awesome day!

    33. Catherine Leitch

      Just love the slogan Heritage + Heart. It describes Perth perfectly.
      The specific logos are simple, yet sophisticated.
      Well done and congratulations.

    34. mary jane lee Lee

      Really disappointed that this was put on hold again…too much time and money has been spent to do NOTHING..PLease MOVE forward

    35. Germaine

      Very bland and boring, do not like it, could have been better plus there was nothing wrong with the old logo, very disappointed in you town of perth

    36. Mary Brown

      I had the pleasure of taking a bowl of Gather’s Squash and Apple soup to a picnic table in Stewart park. It was deliciously thick and flavourful! Great food and beautiful scenery! Hard to beat that!

    37. John Dorsch

      Sad! SF Mayor and Council! Reprehensible that you would mandate an experimental drug that has no long term data and is not done testing until 2023 that has the possible side effects of death and serious side effects for your employees or you will fire them. You make no sense. Can you think beyond your rhetoric? You know that all who survive Covid have robust immunity stronger than your vax immunity and they are about 2 million in Canada. Covid is completely survivable by 99 percent of the population without medical intervention. The vaxxed spread the virus and contract it also and that is a fact so mandating vax is nonsense. This is evident in the Israel studies where nearly everyone is double vaxxed. Many more studies by well known doctors are being suppressed by MSM and despite this you sit in judgement holier than thou and fire your countrymen who are just as susceptible as you are. Shame on you! Theres no proof that the vax even reduces symptoms. If there is produce it because it only annectodal rumour and another prediction. Your decision divides and discriminates and you are no better off safety wise. Look at the recent outbreak in York region among the totally vaccinated from Sep 27th in Metroland news for your proof the vaxport and mandates and vax don’t work. Your decision gives you a false sense of security and you are drunk on your illegal power to harm and force your employees in the name of maybe making it safer. Name one person that any of these measures saved? Go ahead name just one real person and not some hypothetical garbage that theoretically we saved this many because there is NO evidence they work. These decisions are coercion and vaccine mandates accompanied by coercion are not consensual they are assault. These tyrannical measures have only harmed society and you further it. You reap what you sow, a discriminatory society of fear and hatred towards normal healthy people along with the understanding you will continue to trample the protected rights of your employees. You and the taxpayers will be on the hook for your liability here. If one employee dies or has serious complications from the vaccine you mandate will you now publicly declare your permanent financial support for the family of the affected employee? How can you say you are looking out for the health and safety of your employees when the possible consequence of taking the vaccine is death? That can be avoided by not taking it?

    38. Steve Phillips

      Mandatory vaccination is illegal. It will take time for the courts to rule but this is common sense. The most fundamental right of a person is control over their own body. You cannot mandate forced vaccinations. I don’t understand what has happened to people’s brains. This is ridiculous. It’s obvious to any sane, rational person. Look at any human or medical rights code we have or subscribe to. Wake up.

      In addition to that the police and others have indicated that requiring vaccines to maintain employment is a criminal offence under the Criminal Code of Canada sections 265 (assault) and 346 (extortion). That’s the law. And there are reasons for such laws. If you enforce vaccine mandates for employees you may be criminally charged and jailed. This is not 1930’s Germany. Get your heads out of your posteriors politicians. You are servants not rulers.

    39. Nancy Tewes

      “The Canadian Labor Board has officially rejected all vaccine mandates for public employees” as they are “A violation of Human Rights and Employment Rights”. This isn’t being covered by mainstream media, nor have many of the legal proceedings against most employers across Canada been brought to public attention. Any employer who initiates a mandatory vaccination policy is setting themselves up for liability issues and potential criminal charges. Be very wary about what you are imposing on your employees as the government is placing this decision on employers knowing that the fallout will land on the employer and not themselves. Remember that ignorance will not save anyone in the court of law, and thinking that just because the government is inferring that it is okay means it is legal – educate yourselves because it is not.

    40. Angie Storey

      Please read the post from SF Legion about service tomorrow. You left out about the parade from the Legion to Memorial park!😩

    41. Moe Fraser

      Interesting read, is this pilot program only offered to the town of Smiths Falls 🤔 or does it include the municipalities ( Montague township)
      We have lived here for 8 yrs & have often wondered why we don’t have a green bin 🤔

    42. Sue Stiff

      i would very much like to be in on this … as i spent many yrs on a farm & have always been very aware of composting … i love returning the compost to my gardens … please add me to the list …

    43. Chris Dickson

      Sign me up! I would absolutely love this and it would save me trekking to the back of the yard with our days food waste every night after dinner.

    44. James Metcalfe and family

      Pretty cool stuff. Born and raised in and around Smith Fallit always interesting to discover more of the towns history. Congrats and keep up the good work.

    45. Heather Hogan

      Very well written. Sad that the accusers are too chicken to show themselves and defend their complaints. The Sinclair’s have nothing to be ashamed of their gardens are beautiful. They need to appeal to a higher court. Shut the idiots down who made this totally bogus decision.

    46. Denise taylor

      A great article. Thank you for highlighting this struggle. Now finally the world can see what the Sinclair’s have been dealing with.
      It takes nothing to go across and meet your neighbours, find out what they are doing etc. it also takes time for a “new” garden to become established. This whole fiasco has been beyond belief. Me, I’d love my hard earned tax dollars to be spent on something more meaningful and beneficial to my town and community, not a moaning
      Neighbour going on about a style of gardening that they really don’t know much about, nor one that appeals to them. A shame really as gardening has so many facets and styles. I would like to know just how much this whole fiasco has cost the tax payer with multiply bylaw visits etc. We are so much better than this. Surely?
      Kind thanks to the folk willing to stand up with and for the Sinclair’s. We have lots to learn from these experts in helping us creating a better garden and town.
      Denise Taylor
      113 Merrick street

    47. Susan Fisher

      This is a fabulous article. I am so glad that this story is being well covered by the Hometown News and Ottawa Valley News.

      I also hope the Sinclairs do not give up and know that there are many, many, people who support what they are doing to save our planet.

      The helpful and positive result of their efforts reach far beyond their own Smiths Falls garden and yard. We should all be following their inspiring example.

    48. Donna McKenna

      Wow – so well stated! It was so difficult to watch the arrogance and rudeness displayed by Mr. Thomas during this hearing. Instead of respecting and learning from experts in the area of naturalized gardens and their benefits he decided to reflect upon his roses and his problems with aphids – really? How embarrassing! I hope that these well spoken individuals who gave generously of their time do not judge Smiths Falls by these committee members actions! I know that Smiths Falls is more progressive, respectful, and caring than this. I too would like to apologize for all the stress this has caused the Sinclair’s – and applaud them on their garden and their attempt to care about our environment in this obvious time of crisis.

    49. mj

      NO! The ramps were installed to correct the flow of water to the Little Tay to prevent flooding of Stewart Park!!!! Check your facts!

    50. Kayla Smith

      We’re a small town, not a city… kids need more than one place to play. All kids do is look at iPads and computers all day. Now we want take play area away that aren’t on school property… how I made friends as a kid was playing outside on play grounds, not at food stand. Stop building houses that cost half million dollars and stop making this small town into Ottawa. I haven’t even seen no kid play road hockey in years, that’s all I did growing up… and now to many cars on road and no one promotes it. Kinda sad.

    51. Vince Carroll

      Good evening everyone, what is your status on the red tape being pushed by conservation authorities for housing development in outlying municipalities, are you and your party in favour of eliminating it. As Ontario is one of the most red tape provinces in the country.

      1. Jonny Nunya

        Their garden is priceless to them. You sound like a sleazy real estate agent.

      2. Jayne Finn

        It would be interesting to know how much the property value would increase because of the garden. The interest in sustainable gardens is growing while boring, monoculture is being recognized for the liability it is.

    52. Frank van Boxtel

      It’s great that they won. More people should follow suit and have yards like that. Lawns are a waste of space, and ecological nightmares. They need mowing, often using gas mowers which pollute and are noisy, and are often treated with chemicals that are harmful.

    53. Paul Dehler

      Congrats to the Sinclair: a win for nature! Anyone who wants a lesson in bureaucratic rigidity bordering on absurdity should listen to the Smiths Falls Property Standards Committee that steadfastly refused to listen to reason with regards to this issue A reminder that laws/by-laws do not always serve the better interest of citizens and, in this instance, was rightly challenged.

    54. Laurie

      An awesome peace of SF History. This Smith’s Falls history I would like to see taught in school.

    55. Gail Nevraumont

      Query – this is not just a lunch program is it?
      Are the phone numbers of participating restaurants located someplace all together?

    56. Glen James Watson

      My sister and brother in law have been hosting a Ukrainian family of 3 women for the past 3 weeks. this family will, hopefuly, be moving to SF in Sept. They are currently staying at Mississippi Lake area. they have been quite isolated from any Ukrainian contacts and it would be great if they could meet with this family recently arrived in SF.

      If this would possible kindly contact me to arrange

    57. Paul LAbel;le

      Shouldn’t the realtor who sold the house be held accountable? The previous owner? The town for not following up on the 2014 permit? The bank?

    58. S. Michaelis

      I find it amazing that the town suddenly has issues with this propert. When the previous owner had the property the town went out of their way to accommodate them. Bylaws were changed to provide the then commercial enterprise free on street parking in the neighborhood. Why was a commercial food preparation business allowed to carry on with no action from the town to enforce building codes. There a number of properties in the town that have been vacant for more than 10 years that are left to deteriorate and become hazards not to mention them being broken into and used as flop places for a variety of nefarious uses. As an example you need not look very far to find such a property within a block of her house at Main and George. It’s been vacant for more than 10 years. When the wind blows peices of it are blown off. It’s been unsuccessful boarded up numerous times the latest attempt being just this week.
      I think the town should rethink its priorities here and try to work with this home owner and assist her in being able to correct the issues with the property she has obviously taken pride in and wants to improve her property. Maybe going after all the derelict properties left vacant by owners who obviously don’t care would be a more productive use of the building standards people.

    59. Nancy

      I would like to contact Sally Smith the author, or with Julie Chagnon. A friend and I want to try to help.

    60. Aline A. Levesque

      I find this so unfair when Landlords in Smith Falls do not fix their buiildings or apartments!! On top of that the realtor if she used one did not do their job!! My house was staged to the hill and even the inspector I used did nothing, I fixed what I could and I do not understand what they are doing to her… SF should be ashamed and they do it all the time even with water bills!! So SAD

    61. Stew Player

      Your photo in the article is of the wrong bridge, and the CN rail line was decommissioned in 1980

    62. Ken Clupp

      Can’t wait to see more ugly barricades and fences. Should really enhance the town’s appeal to tourists.

    63. Rian Manson

      I just want to let you know there is an error in your report. The 5-span bridge and Scherzer Bascule Lift Bridge were constructed in the Fall of 1912 (Rideau Record September 20, 1912)

    64. Janice Brophy

      Congratulations and best of luck for success! Will be open weekends for now and more hours during the summer? What kind of fare will you be selling?

    65. Greg

      The downtown restaurants aren’t busy enough and now the town and Chamber of Commerce want to take the boater business away from them…I’d be real impressed if I owned one of those establishments…..Stupid thinking!!!!!

    66. Joe Moore

      This housing proposal will ruin a magnificent Lanark County Landmark and turn it into an administrative and costly nightmare for the Town and the Tay River watershed. Somebody needs to have another look at this.

    67. Heather

      So the fact that one of the councilors lives in that neighborhood and wants to see a vehicular and pedestrian bridge, not to mention that there are several community members and residents who wanted it, obviously doesn’t seem to matter to the mayor or the folks who drew up the plans.

      1. Terri

        I believe that most of the town wanted vehicular and pedestrian bridge. And, you’re right, it doesn’t seem to matter what the townspeople want.

    68. Karen Bisson

      HI Brian!
      Chi miigwetch for publishing this wonderful article about our new project. It is hugely appreciated!

      We are so excited to begin working with the community to develop this into something the entire community will benefit from, and feel a sense of pride and belonging to.

    69. Kerry Badgley

      Such a shame, but fortunately no one was injured. Good piece of local journalism.

    70. Greg Hull

      The new procedure for cleaning snow is MORONIC. The town will be spending more money repeating the process. It makes it dangerous when existing your vehicle on streets that are now narrower.
      The sidewalks for the most part are cleaned but the public now is spending more time walking on the street to an opening to exit the street!!! How is this safer??

    71. B

      So why do we need 2 visitor centres ? May have been great when the campers came in but now it just seems silly. I’m sure the one at town hall is more than enough for visitors. How about use the area around the building for the taco truck instead of wasting the area that the children could be running around and playing in ? That just might save the town some well needed dollars.

    72. Pingback: February 7, 2024 update – Linden Housing Co-operative

    73. Greg

      I urge caution for open air char production. It releases a great deal of volatile gasses into the environment, negatively impacting the GHG emissions measure, and potentially penalizing the project and funding opportunities. There are other possibilities to consider, still based on char, to put your best foot forward.

    74. Pingback: Rideau Lakes to have another look at salvaging Chantry municipal offices - Hometown News

    75. Pingback: What is “Housing First” and does it work? - Hometown News

    76. Pingback: What does homelessness look like in Lanark County? - Hometown News

    77. Drury

      Hear hear, Council. Gutsy move, but a sane one. Here’s hoping that you do not face too much of a backlash for taking a courageous stance on this important issue.

    78. Pingback: What is “Housing First” and does it work? - Hometown News

    79. Pingback: ‘Laudable objective’: Housing co-operative looks forward to next steps to finding property for affordable housing - Hometown News

    80. Betty Ronan

      Tom is a wonderful humanitarian. I knew Tom in our old hockey watching days at the Rink. Ever eager to help, a twinkle in his eye and that sweet smile. Tom is a resilient man, and I wish him to be as well as he can be under his currant diagnosis.

    81. Pingback: What is the by-name list all about? - Hometown News

    82. Tim Holmes

      The concept drawing presented by CHIP, ( the sketch that is depicted in this article), does not resemble the building that is proposed by Carebridge. That CHIP concept sketch is misrepresentative of the project being discussed in the article.

    83. Lisa Klein-Gunnewiek

      Funny how they always defer if some of the fav five are away but not if the other 4 are away.

    84. Pingback: In a pickle: Smiths Falls Pickleball League looking to expand - Hometown News

    85. Pingback: Celebration of life for Mathew McGrath to be held Sunday at Waterfront Gastropub in Carleton Place - Hometown News

    86. Pingback: Smiths Falls Youth Arena ‘may be an option’ for current pickleball needs - Hometown News

    87. Pingback: Smiths Falls Youth Arena ‘may be an option’ for current pickleball needs - Hometown News

    88. Pingback: ‘Behind the scenes’: Acting police chief shares insights to barricaded male incident in Smiths Falls - Hometown News

    89. Pingback: ‘Behind the scenes’: Acting police chief shares insights to barricaded male incident in Smiths Falls - Hometown News

      1. Kelly

        Grassroots doesn’t do the actual investigation. If it was something petty the IC would have made that finding. If that was the finding and the complaint was unsubstantiated, I doubt they would go to this extreme to cover that up.

    90. Pingback: Smiths Falls Ribfest set to highlight beautiful Centennial Park - Hometown News

    91. Janice Brophy

      I, for one, would like to know the issue. I have found in the past that this council is a bit headstrong and makes expensive decisions without sufficient investigation.

    92. Linda M

      I tried to find information on parking in Smiths Falls, specifically for the Ribfest. But nowhere did I see any info on parking anywhere. Since parking on Beckwith is now limited, where do people park for Centennial Park?

    93. Edmund Rockburne

      I spent 3 yrs on the Perth Police Service Board where I first met Bill White. Bill was always pleasant and a pleasure to deal with, and he will be missed by many who knew him.

    94. Brian Preston

      I know some of the significant facts of the case but will not comment on them other than to say, as did one of the Councillors already in this reporting, that this was a completely unsubtantiated claim and a flawed process was followed. It was noted that the Mayor and two councillors voted to make the Report public based on their understanding of the Provincial ‘rules’, but that this also supports their collective position based purely on politics on many previous Council item votes which were in opposition to other members of Council. This investigation smells and the case circumstances, in my opinion to the extent that I am accurately informed in the matter, did not warrant an investigation be called by Council involving the Integrity Commissioner. This is the height of justice denied when, by process, the accused does not have the opportunity to make their case and know all parties and aspects of the case going forward. It appears to me to be democracy denied by petty politics and a few municipal politicians with an axe to grind.

    95. Pingback: Opinion: The Case against reopening the Joyceville Abattoir: Ethical and practical concerns - Hometown News

    96. Bob Franks

      I find it funny that just 2 weeks ago three members of council would do anyhthing to get this report public.2 weeks later and theses 3 which one is the mayor are starting to realize that this rabbit hole they started down is not the one one they were looking for.I pray that the complainants names be made public .

    97. Brian Preston

      The article is an accurate rendition of proceeding as I was in attendance. The real issue which virtually all Council members agree having read the report ‘in camera’ is that the process is flawed, there are factual errors and omissions, and the the process does not follow democratic principles of facing your accuser or even knowing who that individual or persons are? To make the report as it is public would represent a miscarriage of justice. Better course of action, as agreed to by the Mayor and all but one voting Councillor, is to ask Minister Colandra to intervene and choose an option: appoint another third party Integrity Commissioner to review the case and the report, to assign the case to the Ombudsman, or to call for a judicial enquiry. Only facts and a full review of both sides of the case should form the report to Council. Only then should it be released to the public, and it will, But for Council to be put in the position to accept and make public a report that clearly is deficient in many ways according to Council debate the other night, (without betraying the confidentiality that they are bound to) makes the job of Mayor and Council virtually untenable, which is as much what Mayor Hoogenboom was quoted as saying. The legislation and the review process must be amended to ensure balanced gathering and reporting of information, and both MPP Clark when he was Minister of the portfolio, as is Minister Chandra now have said as much. This is the only way that any Township Council in Ontario can have confidence in ruling on the reports of the Integrity Commissioner. To release the current report would be a travesty of justice and cause unnecessary and unwarranted mental anguish on Councillor Carr who has had to endure over a year of this review when our Bylaws state that the report was to have been submitted to Council within 90 days. At this point, better to get the process and the current review and report right, and then release it to the public so that a much better and informed opinion can be drawn by constituents of Rideau Lakes Township! In my 34 years of federal service including labour relations and administrative judicial processes, There are always 2 things to be considered: was an error in law made and/or were the rules of natural justice followed. In this case, even without knowing all the facts, I wonder if this case and report meet the test?

    98. Wendy Alford

      Laurie …just a heads up that the IC complaint on Carr was handled by Townships’s former IC Tony Fleming. I believe he was fired by this Council previously but don’t know the date.

    99. Brian Preston

      What warrants further investigative reporting is the fact that Rideau Lakes Council is divided between the Mayor and 3 Councillors, and 5 Councillors which all too often is reflected in voting blocks where the 5 have carried the day. As the reporter said, “have they become tools of political maneuvering?” Is there more to the story behind the scenes where anonymous complainants seem to come forth against the 5 Councillors with what many of us would say are laughable claims? In all these cases, where should a reporter look to get at the source of the problem? One problem that everyone including Queens Park has stated, is that the rules and procedures for Integrity Commissioner reviews is in serious need of immediate overhaul as this provincial process does not serve the best interests of Municipal governments across Ontario. One might think that the Mayor and his supporters might be more closely scrutinized in an effort to get to the full truth of these matters, if for no other purpose than to clear the air in an atmosphere of full public transparency so the that the entire Council can work more productively together.

    100. Lesley Ullyett

      Correction, the complaint against Councillor Carr was investigated and report produced by the previous IC, Tony Fleming, also fired as proposed by the Banks.

    101. Mary-Lou Quenneville

      Wait a minute. The table to fire the integrity commissioner is by the people who are being investigated? What?


      Why should Le Boats get a 50 discount when what makes them so special.They take away space from the Locks for Boaters to pull up and stay in Smiths Falls Ontario when they spend money down town bringing money to the stores in Smiths Falls Le Boats rent Boats and the Renter’s go towards Kingston or Ottawa they don’t spend money in Smith’s Falls they spend money some where else Le Boats have not brought anything to Smiths Falls the Camping trailer park brought more money into Smiths Falls then Le Boats but some very brain dead council got rid of the trailer park income that employed staff and made money

    103. Timothy Paul

      What Stephanie Clark has done brings applause from myself. I know, all too well , the impact of alcohol in Smiths Falls. I lost friends and former classmates to alcohol-related accidents, etc. I agree, it is not generated obviously by a temperance movement. Hats off to a beneficially decision..


      I am impressed in his dedication and creativity of this landmark, the time and effort to put into what he loves, all I can say is continue what you are doing and someday you will leave a mark and pass it down to generations to come. Congratulations 👏

      Sincerely Peter 👍😁

    105. Wendy Alford

      Good article much of what has and is happening could have been avoided by Councillors adhering to by-laws, including the code of conduct and the procedural by-law. Decorum and civility are more important in government than many people understand if there is any hope of building consensus. We are seeing the consequences of its absence in our Township.

    106. Leigh Craig

      Congratulations to these volunteers for all their hard work. It’s nice to see the community come together! We appreciate all of their hard work. Makes our communities special.

    107. Pingback: Holding onto hope: A Perth mother’s unwavering search for Emma Fillipoff - Help Find Emma Fillipoff

    108. Pingback: Holding onto hope: A Perth mother’s unwavering search for Emma Fillipoff • Bayberry Films


      The Smiths Falls Bear’s are a great Hockey Team Smiths Falls Ontario Canada have a great Hockey Community I grew up playing Hockey playing on the Traveling Teams Peanut Atom Bantam and the best was play Midget enjoyed playing in the Summer Training School but they need a Bigger and warmer Hockey Arena

    110. S LARKIN

      the town has wasted million of dollars on much stupid stuff ! fire service is mandated you can’t play God and expect commonsense results. The fire hall should be moved to a more efficient building that can provide personnel with proper training and sufficient room for further expansions within the emergency services.


      We need a new pumper truck so spend the money on something we need not something that we don’t need like Smiths Falls Town Council always does

    112. Pingback: Bears triumph in thrilling double OT series against wolves - Hometown News

    113. John Kenny

      My wife Liz and I have been devotees of live theatre from our first date. We were SO glad to discover Studio Theatre Perth when we retired and moved from Toronto to Lanark County. STP is so much more than just community theater – they punch far above their weight!


      The Town should repair the foot subway it’s apart of our memories of living in Smiths Falls Ontario Canada

    115. Christine Banks

      I live in that part of town and use that foot subway and so do a lot of people that don’t drive that need to get down town to do shopping or to go to work.So i definitely think we should do something to fix it up because a lot of people depend on it.

    116. Trish Dyer


      Reprinting a press release loaded with weasel words does not constitute journalism. You have done a disservice to local employees and their families by doing so.

    117. Janelle

      I think this foot tunnel could absolutely become a local gem, and kudos to Lee for having the vision to see it!

      Lights, art, cameras (maybe a publicly accessible camera, so you can tell your loved ones you’ll be walking through and they can keep an eye on you?), garbage cans, and regular maintenance would go a long way toward making this awesome!

    118. Doug Phillips

      Great discussion. Address the issues with the foot tunnel and make it a positive, unique feature of the town.

    119. Heather Langdon

      Disappointing to hear the approval didn’t come through, however, there is still hope from the Health and Safety Water Stream new money program.
      Is there any date when Peter can once again present his case for this funding?

    120. Heather Langdon

      This is nice, but I think it would be great if Seniors could be given a yearly allowance of $750.00 to go towards going to fitness programs like yoga, stretching and stengthing, work out classes or buying something for their home like a bike or treadmill so they can stay active and be rembrished up to the max of $750 per year.
      I believe that would go a long better to a healthier aging population.

    121. Rick Gilfillen

      This is one of the best thing I have heard in Rideau Lakes . I am in full support of banning all other flags at government buildings. They should not have been there in the first place .

    122. Ken Manwell

      Thank you Laurie for putting our car club in the Hometown news. It always a great pleasure to work with you. This should get our info out to a larger population base.

    123. Paws Oasis

      The event actually will be hosted at Paws Oasis 17716 Highway 7 – not at Darou Farm. We are SO excited to host the community for our first big fundraiser!

    124. Sharon Boyce

      I don’t know whether Councillor Quinn is innocent or guilty, but our laws state innocent until proven guilty. If not proven guilty, no penalty should be issued. It’s the law! A smear campaign is not classy.

    125. Jaclyn Harris

      There are people in this town like Kelly Dunham that want Dawn Quinn out of council and will do anything they can to get her out. This smells like a set up.

    126. Keith Berry

      I also do not know if Councillor Quinn is innocent or guilty but our law in this country is very clear ,innocent until proven guilty be on a reasonable doubt . The Commissioner himself stated “circumstantial nature of evidence “and “no direct evidence “ is not prove guilt be on a reasonable doubt. As for Councillor McKenna to recommend 10 barred meetings as her punishment is based on what ? Seems harsh for first offence if this offence can be proven , what about progressive discipline? This article alone is punishment and a public flogging of sorts . I agree with Councillors Miller and Robinson to support not imposing sanctions. This is a slippery slope . I tried to access this report on Town website but was unable to. Maybe we should work together and not divide , there is enough division in our world . Sincerely

    127. Keith Berry

      Well done , what a great service you folks have provided and in times that see us all struggling. My hat goes off to you folks 🙏

    128. S LARKIN

      there needs to be a public boating launch for everyone enjoying the water ie. kids fishing tourneys always a great turn out , many others canoeing and kayaking .

    129. Lori J. Nichols

      Lower Reach Park us for people walking, jogging, picnics, and fireworks. Why have a boat launch that brings big boats into a peaceful area, when you have a boat launch at the Locks just down the road. That land could be developed for the boats. Not at lower reach.

    130. Wendy Alford

      Hope Rideau Lakers will play very close attention to the decisions made in the next 3 months and which ward(s) will benefit. It will look mostly the same as the last 1 1/2 years in terms of which ward has received the Township’s resources. The difference will be that it will be even more obvious as there will be fewer people at the table acting as a brake.

    131. Nora Brown

      Not surprising!
      I totally respect Arie’s decision to step away, his health comes first!
      It scares me with the budget coming up, I have serious doubts that this can be managed in a sensible fashion!

    132. Dan Berty

      I am fully supportive of our Mayor in making this choice. Again, he shows leadership in putting his health first and the township first. I am extremely worried for Councilors Pollard and Maxwell and how they will be treated – as well as staff. Equally worried about where the 2025 budget take the township and fairness in spending to ensure the entire township is taken into account.

    133. Evelyn Ramdhanie

      I beg to differ Paula. The reason for the tension is still there at the council meetings. You 5 should all be ashamed at the total lack of respect for our Mayor. I have watched meetings and it is totally unacceptable how he is treated. You are bullies and show no respect for anyone. I rarely ever speak out on issues but you people should all be let go. I do not claim to know a lot about some matters but I know and see unfair and selfish behaviour from this group. How can anything ever be decided when opinions from other council members are cut off and ignored. You councilors are to be working for us, as you have our tax dollars and instead you oppose any or most ideas as you feel yours are the only right ones. You say Arie is the tension. Unbelievable. As I said in an earlier text. I do not want my tax dollars going to the United States. And I am sure I am not alone .We have also lost Joan off council . Two very important council members. Some people when they find themselves in a position of power, loose their sense of right and wrong. It happens ,but it is very sad for Rideau Lakes Township.

    134. Pingback: Exclusive: Rideau Lakes mayor speaks out after stepping back amid council chaos - Hometown News