Are you a maple syrup producer or thinking about becoming one? The Lanark & District Maple Syrup Producers’ Association (LDMSPA) is hosting an annual Information Day and Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday, Jan. 27, at the Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church in Perth from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
This annual event is as a networking and information-sharing event for current producers or those contemplating entering into maple syrup production.
“We are excited to be hosting an in-person information day again in 2024,” said Jamie Fortune, President of LDMSPA. “The information day is a chance for producers to learn more about industry changes for production and processing, opportunities to implement efficiencies into their operations, and to access resources and suppliers.”

The 2024 Information Day and AGM will feature presentations and workshops focused on maximizing production, testing and calibrating maple instruments, marketing initiatives and social media tactics for the maple industry, along with networking opportunities.
The day will also feature an update from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs and Ontario Maple Syrup Producers’ Association (OMSPA). Breaks will be given to allow for networking with other maple producers and engagement with maple equipment dealers.
The AGM takes place just before a traditional hot lunch is served and coffee and morning snack are included with your ticket.
The Information Day also features the presentation for the Sugarmaker of the Year Award, a prestigious award presented to long-term maple producers or those that encourage new production.
Participants will gain access to informative workshops and presentations as well as learning more about the annual Tapping Out Ceremony (spring 2024), Maple Weekend (April 6 and 7, 2024) and the Festival of the Maples (April 27, 2024).
Please note it is not necessary to be a member of the OMSPA to attend this meeting. Registrants who join OMSPA at the meeting will receive the discounted ticket price. To learn
more about the benefits of membership with OMSPA, to join OMSPA or renew membership for 2024, please visit
Registration is $35 per person for OMSPA members, $45 for non-members. Registration can be made online at or via email at or by phone at 613-816-7518.
LDMSPA is a group of over 90 maple syrup producers located in the Lanark, Frontenac, Leeds and Grenville Counties, as well as the Ottawa-Carleton areas of Eastern Ontario.
As a membership-based organization, LDMSPA supports its members by providing a forum to promote the production of maple syrup products, assisting members to stay current on changing industry regulations, and providing opportunities for networking, and education on the maple syrup industry in Ontario. It’s one of 11 local organizations that make up the OMSPA, a provincial organization that represents maple syrup producers across the province.