Planting continues this fall!
SUBMITTED – Dave Thornley, Rideau Environmental Action League (REAL)
Thank you everyone…
What started with rain, mud and uncertainty turned into a great and successful day with the help of 55 plucky volunteers.
We now have a mini-forest floor — yeah!
It was good to see so many people interested in the environment coming out to help with the mini-forest and willing to sacrifice their Saturday time in lousy weather! Take pride in what you’ve accomplished.

But don’t sit back on your laurels yet…there’s much more to do for the mini-forest this fall. That’s when we plant 300 trees.
The start has been great, so let’s keep going!
Great thanks to Stephanie Clark and her team from the town for securing the site and helping to make everything happen.
Thanks to Vanessa Bernicky and Jason Dalgleish and his team for fighting the rain and mud to get the floor components onto the site.
A big thank-you to Rob Gemmell from Gemmell’s Garden Centre for providing the water truck.
And thanks to the stores that helped get the many large pieces of cardboard — YIG, Canadian Tire, Lacey’s, and McMullans — and to Dale for collecting it.
Mark Wednesday, April 17, at 1:30 p.m. on your calendar for a short Town ceremony and the planting of 100 painted stir-sticks by the students of Duncan J. Schoular Public School. And a last thank-you to Home Hardware for donating those sticks.
Thanks again.