With warmer temperatures and minimal snow remaining, grass fire season has begun. The Mississippi Mills Fire Department has changed the burn status to reflect the current conditions to Level 2 – Moderate.
Please keep these safety tips in mind when you are burning:
- Remember to activate your open-air burn permit before you burn.
- Avoid burning outdoors on windy days.
- Keep water sources nearby when burning debris/brush.
- Have tools like shovels and rakes on hand.
- Follow the setback requirements of the Open-Air Fire By-law 17-15 and choose a safe location away from buildings, trees and power lines.
- Keep burn piles small and manageable.
- Never leave the fire unattended and stay vigilant.
- Extinguish the fire completely before leaving the site.
- Soak the area with water after burning to prevent rekindling.
For more information: