Mississippi Mills Jan. 28 council highlights

Ginawaydaganuc Village
Photo credit: ginawaydaganuc.ca
Posted on: January 31, 2025

Jan. 29th, council meeting began with the Annual Land Acknowledgement and Smudging Ceremony. Since 2020, Mississippi Mills Council has held this ceremony at the start of each year to reestablish relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in the community. (Please watch for separate media release with more details.)

Council heard a delegation from RoxAnne Darling, Community Engagement Officer with Ginawaydaganuc Village, on their governance model, funding and future development plans for the Indigenous-led eco-cultural education center and tourist destination. Council directed staff to write a letter of support for Ginawaydaganuc Village to assist with funding opportunities. View the presentation here.

Rob and Cassie More with the Rural FASD Support Network also made a delegation to Council. They provided insight into the non-profit organization, which raises awareness and supports those living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and their caregivers. They also provided information on how FASD can impact communication and readability on websites. Council directed staff to review the accessibility and readability of documents on the municipal website. View the presentation here.

Council formally adopted the capital portion of the 2025 Municipal Budget. The capital budget includes $12,807,589 in projects, such as $2.7 million for hardsurfaced renewals and microsurfacing projects, $1.95 million for the County Road 29 Watermain construction, $435,000 for a new plow truck, as well as $421,000 for upgrades to parks and recreation facilities and $30,000 dedicated to climate change initiatives and traffic calming measures. The operations budget will come before the February 11 Council meeting for consideration. 

The financial planning timeline for four master planning projects to be completed as part of the MM2048 initiative this year were approved by Council. The projects include an updated Asset Management Plan, Development Charges Background Study (updates to 2023 study), Water and Wastewater Rate Study and Long-Term Financial Plan. 

Council endorsed the updated Terms of Reference for the Lanark County OPP Detachment Board and its draft 2025 budget. The following community representative appointments were also approved by Council – Michel Vermette and Rod Bowes.

Committee of the Whole also heard the following items, which will be brought forward for approval at a future Council meeting:

  • Consideration of a report to determine the optimal option for employee benefits.
  • The Community Benefits Agreement for the Battery Energy Storage System at 6299 County Road 29.
  • Recommendation reports for 6299 County Road 29 and 3020 Ramsay Concession 11B.
  • Revisions to the Traffic and Parking By-law.
  • A report on the Mid-Term Governance Review, which will update policies and existing by-laws, including the Procedural By-law and Communications Plan.
  • A review of the Elected Official Remuneration Policy with staff direction to investigate the option of a full-time Mayor.
  • Quarterly Reports from Corporate Services and Recreation and Culture

Upcoming Meetings:

  • Hybrid Council Meeting – February 11, 2025, 6 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting to follow Council.
  • Hybrid Council Meeting – February 25, 2025, 6 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting to follow Council.
Hometown News
Author: Hometown News