Beckwith Street Renewal in good hands with Director Dunlop

Beckwith Street Renewal in good hands with Director Dunlop

Hometown News

January 26, 2021

Last updated: December 4, 2023

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Posted on: January 26, 2021

During Monday night’s Committee of the Whole meeting, members of the Smiths Falls town council congratulated Troy Dunlop, Director of Public Works and Utilities, on the completion of Phase 1 of the Beckwith Street Renewal Project. 

Dunlop presented council with a year-end update on the project, which was completed on time, and came in approximately $2000 under budget.

Councillor Alford expressed appreciation for all that has been achieved in this project. “We’ve come a long way since we first started discussing this project – to see that we’re basically on time and on budget is incredible. I would not have wanted to try to do this project without Mr. Dunlop. 

“Everything we could have hoped for or expected has been delivered. When we first found out this project was going to be a lot more than anticipated, there were a lot of barriers to pulling this off. I’m really thankful and grateful to both Mr. Dunlop and Tomlinson. They were very professional and flexible; they had the resources to overcome anything we ran into. Kudos to our staff.”

CAO Morris also wanted to publicly acknowledge Mr. Dunlop’s efforts. “When you dig into a street with old infrastructure from the 1800s, you never know what you’re going to find. 

To come in with a surplus of $2000 in an $8 300 000 project is outstanding. This was well-handled, and he deserves a great deal of thanks.”

For his part, Director Dunlop turned his thanks back to council. “At the staff level, we significantly appreciate the support of council in this project. We were very happy for council’s leadership throughout all phases of the project from start to finish.”

Mayor Pankow expressed council’s gratitude and eagerness to move forward: “We’re happy you’re at the helm for Phase Two.”

Article by Janelle Labelle

Hometown News
Author: Hometown News

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February 8, 2021 9:17 pm

Great work by Tomlinson Construction. You guys are real professionals. You only left $2000 on the table. That’s the way to do business. It takes alot of skill to be able to grab all that money. Very respectable 👍👍. 👎👎to the Town of Smith’s Falls. Maybe if council appointed someone to be on site every day to oversee the work, we could of had an extra $1000000 for phase 2. The coffee bill for the workers on the project was more then $2000. Pathetic you people are despicable..

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Hometown News

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