Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.
67 viewsPosted on: February 15, 2022
Director of Community Services Art Manhire presented a report to council during Smiths Falls Committee of the Whole meeting Monday evening regarding Phase 3 of the town hall renovations. Manhire recommended that the town award the tender for Phase 3 renovation to Brawn Construction at a cost of $2,529,877.66.
“The total is higher than expected; our builders assure us this is reflective of the times we are in,” Manhire explained. “We’re in the fortunate position of having a capital reserve fund higher than we anticipated; there’s also funds in the building reserve.”
Manhire noted that the project would be overseen by staff in conjunction with +VG architects to reduce the cost of the project where possible. Also, the renovation will be undertaken in such a manner as to salvage all reusable materials in order to lessen environmental impact.
Mayor Pankow appreciated “the concept of value engineering to try to reduce the ultimate final cost. I look forward to this being completed.”
Councilor Peter McKenna commented that he, too, supports the recommendation, and shared that he is glad to know that whatever can be salvaged is being salvaged.
“As long as we don’t salvage the carpet,” interjected Councilor Jay Brennan with a chuckle, eliciting laughter from the council members. “This has been a heck of a long time coming; I just hope and pray I have the opportunity to sit in the new council chambers at some point.”
Councilor Lorraine Allen thanked Director Manhire on behalf of the Accessibility Committee. “I want to acknowledge how accessible the renovated town hall will be. These are very important things that will make our new town hall user friendly for sure; thank you for that.”
Council was in full support of awarding the tender to Brawn Construction.
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