Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.
58 viewsPosted on: June 2, 2022
At Tuesday, May 31st’s session of Carleton Place town council, councilors put their final stamp of approval on the town’s first-ever heritage property improvement grant program. Under this initiative, property owners can apply for a grant to cover 50% of permitted works up to a maximum of $5000. Considering the amount of damaged caused by the May 21st storm, the timing of this program will be well received. Interested heritage property owners can learn more about the application details on the town’s website at
At the end of the council meeting on Tuesday, Mayor Doug Black took the time to express thanks to the utility agencies, town department staff, emergency responders, councilors, and residents for their efforts during the aftermath of the May 21st storm. He noted that over 200 wellness checks were completed for residents along with continuous patrols of town streets. He also singled out Mississippi Mills and Beckwith Townships for their assistance with equipment loans and resident supports. He added that he took comfort in the fact that during troubled times we can rely on each other.
At the committee of the whole meeting following the council session, councilor Linda Seccaspina put forward a notice of motion to direct staff to review the town’s response to the storm and related power outage. She was quick to point out she had nothing but support and thanks for the efforts of town staff, but felt that there was room for improvement. The motion will be voted on at the next committee meeting with some type of timeline set for staff to report back to council.
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