Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.
34 viewsPosted on: April 13, 2020
The Town of Carleton Place continues to monitor new information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Emergency Council Meeting
An emergency Council meeting was held yesterday evening at 7:00 p.m. As it was an emergency over the Easter weekend, the meeting was held via teleconference and as a result the public were not able to participate. The discussion was recorded via audio call and is now available for the public to listen to.
A Message from Mayor Doug Black on the Current State of the Pandemic Situation in Carleton Place
Mayor Doug Black issued a statement regarding the current state of municipal operations in Carleton Place during the Covid-19 pandemic and his position on why he does not feel an emergency declaration is warranted at this time.
A Message to Seasonal Cottage Owners – Covid-19
While many cottage owners look forward to getting out on the lake, local municipalities are concerned that an influx of seasonal cottagers will strain our local health care system and resources, and possibly bring new cases of COVID-19 to our area from communities that may have a higher numbers of cases. On March 30, 2020 Premier Doug Ford asked cottage owners to stay home.
Many hospitals that serve cottage country are smaller and do not have the capacity to handle cases from outside their area and have limited intensive care beds and ventilators.
The Health Unit supports our local municipalities in implementing the legislated requirements of orders issued by the Premier of Ontario under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and additional public health measures as we try to work together to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We all have a social responsibility to do what we can to protect ourselves, our families and neighbours by following public health measures such as staying home when sick, physical distancing, avoiding non-essential visits to stores for supplies, washing our hands, covering our cough and following directions put in place at local businesses to ensure essential services can operate in a manner that protects their staff and the public seeking those services.
Local communities that service seasonal cottagers will welcome them back when conditions improve and the province lifts restrictions. Thank you for doing your part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
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