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Hometown News
April 27, 2023
The adolescent stage is between 13-19 years of age. They are filled with untapped potential, but the teenage years are often not seen as positive. It’s the stage of life where we are fraught with insecurity and self-doubt. The stage where we make mountains out of molehills. We sit around feeling isolated, lonely, and believing […]
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March 28, 2023
When Jimmy Carter addressed the US in 1979, he talked about a growing doubt about the meaning of our lives and the loss of a unity of purpose for the nation. He said the erosion of confidence is what threatens to destroy countries. The fabric of society used to be woven by strong families, close knit […]
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March 23, 2022
Companies are doing a great job rebranding corporate greed as inflation. Take Starbucks for example, which says they are forced to raise prices due to inflation and supply chain issues and yet profits went up 31% and they gave their CEO a 39% raise to $20.4 million. A corporation’s sole purpose today is to make money. […]
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December 15, 2021
The US reached a stark milestone this month of 100,000 people dying of drug overdoses in one year. That is 275 overdose deaths every day. In Canada, 20 people die every day from overdose. It is considered immoral in some circles to demand anything from an addict; this helps neither the addict or the city. […]
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October 15, 2021
With genuine curiosity I had to google why the Bloc Quebecois leader, Yves-Francois Blanchet was at the federal debate on September 10. He has no intention or desire to be Prime Minister of Canada. I doubt Mr. Blanchet has any interest in unifying Canada and said as much in the debate. I found information on […]
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July 15, 2021
Progressivism claims to be a movement that aims to represent the interests of ordinary people. I’m not so sure about that. We are living in an era with more fences and security, more protests, and clashes. The media separates us into different camps. The working class versus elites, left versus right, black versus white. It’s […]
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January 22, 2021
How is a person with disabilities, mental health issues and addictions supposed to improve their lot in life when the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefits get clawed back whenever they go out and work for extra income. We discriminate because we don’t understand the struggle is real for so many Canadians trying to live […]
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December 30, 2020
I think it is a fabulous idea to write your own personal political manifesto. Am I the only one that gets annoyed when leaders speak ”on behalf of all Canadians or Ontarians”? How is that even possible? What I learned through the US election is that the mass media is tilting society towards ‘crazy town’ […]
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October 21, 2020
I do not like the narrative that a working mom is essential to the economy. The Throne Speech promises a national childcare system with high standards that is accessible and affordable for all women. First, I do not believe any government can run a fiscally responsible business like that and it will be a gong […]
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