Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.
66 viewsPosted on: May 4, 2021
During Monday night’s Committee of the Whole meeting in Smiths Falls, Director Kerry Costello confirmed to council that the town has given sufficient notice that the portion of Daniel Street between Elmsley and Beckwith will be closed. Concrete barriers are to be put in place immediately after the passage of the bylaw this evening to officially close this portion of Daniel Street.
This action is the first step toward creating the new town square in the space between the library and town hall. “This is a very exciting project,” shared Councillor Nikki Dwyer, “it has been on the books for quite some time. This will eventually be the site of a gazebo in memory of Tom and Pat Foulkes.”
Councillor Lorraine Allen noted that REAL (Rideau Environmental Action League) has been advertising a Depave Paradise Day. REAL invites volunteers to register and participate in manually removing a 100 square metre section of Daniel Street. REAL will be creating a butterfly garden in this space; however, depaving has been delayed due to the current lockdown. To obtain more information about Depave Paradise and to register as a volunteer, visit REAL’s website
The by-law was carried unanimously in the final minutes of the council meeting.
No members of the public lodged official objections or requested to meet with council about the matter.
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