Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.
80 viewsPosted on: May 7, 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic Council business continues to proceed using web and telephone conferencing. All Council meetings are streamed live to the public on the Municipal YouTube channel with recordings linked to the municipal website.
At the May 5th meeting Council voted on the 2020 tax rates as well as additional changes to interest and penalty payments in an effort to provide some financial support to residents that may be having financial difficulties related to the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, Council voted to retain the due dates of July and September for property taxes but waived penalties on the 2020 final tax billing until the end of the year. This would allow residents right up to the end of the year to make payments without incurring any penalties.
Following a lengthy discussion, Council opted to allocate the insurance payout from a damaged public works dump/plow truck to go towards covering potential overruns for the replacement of Truck #22 with the remaining $206,772.43 placed into reserves. In addition, Council directed public works staff to investigate the possibility of contracting out some of the municipality’s winter maintenance activities.
Two important new policies: the Municipal Volunteer Policy and the Adopt a Park Policy were both held until the May 19th meeting to allow for further public consultation and consideration based on Council feedback. Should you have any questions about either policy please contact the Recreation Department at 613-256-1077
Council approved the following tenders:
Upcoming Special Council meetings (all meetings are conducted via e-participation. The live stream can be viewed on YouTube Channel: Get To Know Mississippi Mills)
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