Holiday spirit comes alive in Mississippi Mills December 1-3

Holiday spirit comes alive in Mississippi Mills December 1-3

Hometown News

November 30, 2023

Last updated: November 30, 2023

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Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.


Posted on: November 30, 2023

Embrace the magic of the holiday season in Mississippi Mills December 1-3 with three days of  festive fun as we welcome Santa Claus for the entire weekend.  

The ever-popular Light Up the Night wintry open-air concert returns on Friday, December 1.  Almonte’s Mill Street will close to vehicles and thousands will fill the downtown core for an  evening of holiday music, emceed by Ottawa Valley favourite, Wayne Rostad. Sing along to your  favourite Christmas tunes, hear from some puppet friends, and watch in amazement as The  Snow Queen and her Twinkle Fairies wave their magic wands to bring Santa Claus to town. Stick  around after the concert for a magical fireworks display.  

Come early to shop at our downtown merchants or enjoy a bite to eat at one of our restaurants.  Food and drink vendors will be set up at 6:30 p.m. The concert begins at 7 p.m. sharp. The following day, Saturday, December 2, it’s time for the Pakenham Santa Claus Parade at 1  p.m. The theme for both the Pakenham and Almonte parades this year is ‘200 Years of  Christmas – Choose an Era or Decade’, to celebrate Mississippi Mills’ Bicentennial. The parade leaves the Stewart Community Centre at 1 p.m. sharp and will travel up MacFarlane  Street to Renfrew Street, left on Highway 29 and up Jessie Street, and finishes back at the  community centre. After the parade, the Pakenham & District Civitan Club will serve free hot  dogs and hot chocolate to visitors and prizes will be awarded in the upper hall. The Civitan Club  is also collecting food donations for Lanark County Food Bank – The Hunger Stop. Families are  encouraged to stick around for free public skating.  

On Sunday, December 3, it’s Almonte’s time to shine with the annual Christmas Night Parade at  5 p.m. It will be a twinkly celebration with plenty of sparkling lights and music!  There’s a new route for 2023. The parade will leave from Almonte Civitan Club at 5 p.m. sharp.  With the help of the OPP, it will cross Highway 29 and travel down Almonte Street. Next, the  parade will make a right turn on Mill Street, travel through downtown (you can get some of the  best vantage points here!) and make another right on Bridge Street, ending at the John Levi  Community Centre.  

Be sure to bring along some non-perishable food items as the Almonte Scouts will be collecting  food donations along the route for the food bank.  

Following the parade, join us in the upper hall of the John Levi Community Centre for float  prizes, free hot dogs and hot chocolate, courtesy of the Almonte Lions Club. Free public skating  will also be offered.  

Any questions about either parade should be directed to the Mississippi Mills Recreation and  Culture Department (613-256-2064 or Reminder – Christmas music is strongly encouraged but throwing candy (or other items) from parade floats  is not permitted.  For complete details on Christmas weekend in Mississippi Mills, visit: We hope to celebrate the spirit of the season with you, December 1-3!

Article submitted.

Hometown News
Author: Hometown News

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