Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.
148 viewsPosted on: October 27, 2021
A small group of Lanark Highlands and area residents are planning a public meeting to discuss the future of the Lanark Mill (a.k.a. The Kitten Mill). Hometown News caught up with organizer Susan Berlin who reported that the group has received an engineering report that claims, despite a seriously sagging roof line in one section, the stone building itself is structurally sound. She stated that the goal is to seek funding other than through municipal taxes. Their meeting announcement is as follows;
A preliminary Public Meeting to define the steps needed to protect this 1860 stone heritage building has been set for Sunday, October 31 at 2 p.m. The owners of Rosetta Hills Farm, 647 Rosetta Rd. (just outside of the Village) have graciously offered to host the meeting. This FREE event will be held in their spacious barn — which while providing shelter, is considered ‘open space’ under COVID rules. COVID protocols will be in place: social distancing, masks when appropriate, and a limit of 100 people in attendance (which is why we are asking for registration).
We are using Eventbrite to manage our registration numbers. **THERE IS NO COST TO REGISTER OR ATTEND THIS MEETING. Please register at…/public-meeting-the-lanark… or text to 613-259-5036)
Provide an update on the current status of the mill
Discuss some of the issues to be resolved
Organize a community group to develop and carry forward a plan
The public excitement and outpouring of support to-date has been so encouraging. We invite you to join us: bring your ideas, your questions, your enthusiasm, your civic pride. Working together the residents of Lanark can make a difference.
PLEASE NOTE: The meeting space is an unheated open barn with tables and chairs. DRESS ACCORDING TO THE WEATHER.
Hometown News will provide a post-meeting update.
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