Mayor Black offers sincere thanks for cooperation throughout community

Mayor Black offers sincere thanks for cooperation throughout community

Hometown News

March 25, 2020

Last updated: March 25, 2020

3 minute read

Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.


Posted on: March 25, 2020

To the Carleton Place Community

On behalf of Council I would like to take this opportunity, first and foremost, to offer a sincere thank you to everyone for the cooperation we have recently witnessed throughout our community. As we have proven many times throughout the years, the way we continue to pull together and look out for one another during a crisis is beyond heart-warming. 

Council and Town Staff are doing our best to be proactive and responsible when implementing policies and procedures that will allow us to manage the services we provide while protecting those within our community.

There is no debate we are in a difficult situation; one we will continue to endure as this virus continues to upset the apple cart that has served us all so well for so long.

We all know Canada is the best country to live in and I believe we will see our healthcare industry continue to deliver the quality of care we have learned to expect. I have the utmost respect and appreciation for all our front-line health workers and all those involved in the significant task ahead.

Equally, it is important to recognize the many other front-line workers in our community; the cashiers and stock clerks at our grocery stores, the restaurants offering take-out, volunteers at the food bank and all essential service workers. We as a community will double down in our commitment to ensure your health and the health of your families.

Which brings me to our obligation to each other. An obligation to act in cooperation and with kindness. To ensure we adhere to the provincial guidelines and protocols provided by healthcare professionals regarding physical distancing.  Let’s take advantage of our geography and small-town densities as well as our capacity to care for our neighbours and help shut down this virus in our community.

Please take the opportunity to view our daily updates prepared by our Chief Administrative Officer Diane Smithson and Director of Protective Services Pascal Meunier. These updates contain recent, up-to-date information related to the pandemic from all levels of government and medical professionals. They are posted on our website, social media channels and available in via a sign-up to our newsletter, CP Scoop on our website: then click on Town and then Municipal Communications. 

In addition, County Council senior staff are keeping all councillors up to speed in addressing their responsibilities such as Social Services, Ontario Works, Housing, Children Services and Development Support Services. Please see for further information. 

It my observation that a great sense of co-operation exists amongst all levels of government. 

I want our residents and businesses to know this cooperation will continue to grow as we work together to flatten the curve.

As Premier Ford stated Monday, “We are all in this together” and isn’t that the truth?

Mayor Black

Hometown News
Author: Hometown News

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