Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.
57 viewsPosted on: August 3, 2020
Effective July 31st at 1:30 pm, the Municipality of Mississippi Mills terminated the Declared State of Emergency. The State of Emergency was declared on March 31, 2020 to allow for the municipality to respond quickly to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Mayor Lowry, in consultation with the Municipal Emergency Control Group, has terminated the municipal State of Emergency. The recent termination of the Provincial State of Emergency, the low number of cases in Lanark County and the efforts of our residents to social distance and wear masks allows for a transition to a new normal.
Mayor Lowry stated that “the pandemic has had profound affects on our community and together we mourn loved ones lost to the virus. It continues to give me a great sense of
pride to see residents, businesses and organizations pull together to show support, help and encouragement in response to the many challenges COVID-19 has presented.
Although we must remain vigilant in our efforts to combat this virus, we are transitioning to a new normal. I encourage residents to continue to look out for their neighbours and chose to act with kindness as we all adapt, make changes and learn new habits. I would like to thank the Members of Council, the Emergency Control Group and municipal employees for their dedication and commitment as we responded to this pandemic and now navigate new ways to deliver service to residents.”
Although the municipality is no longer in a State of Emergency, provincial and local Health Unit Orders and guidelines are still extremely important. Residents are reminded to continue social distancing, adhere to the mandatory use of masks, remain diligent with hand washing / sanitizing, respect social circles and follow gathering limitations.
Terminating the Municipal State of Emergency for Mississippi Mills does not limit the ability of the municipality to declare a state of emergency in the future. The municipality will continue to monitor the situation, consult with provincial stakeholders, the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit, Lanark County and with neighbouring municipalities.
Updates will continue to be posted on the municipal website and social media channels. Please continue to take all necessary precautions to control the spread of COVID-19, be safe and adhere to provincial and Health Unit Orders.
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