Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.
71 viewsPosted on: May 20, 2021
Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) is one step closer to finalizing the Mississippi River Watershed Plan, which is now available online. Two public information sessions are planned for June:
The Plan is the culmination of a two-year effort that included documenting the characteristics and current conditions of the Mississippi River Watershed, identification and examination of key issues, and development of 33 actions to address those issues.
Members of the Public Advisory Committee (PAC), comprised of representatives from across the watershed, played a critical role in helping MVCA to identify and explore issues such as climate change, urban growth, aging or inadequate infrastructure, and to formulate the 33 recommended actions.
“Maintaining and enhancing the watershed’s natural resources is critical to ensuring resiliency to climate change and the impacts of urban growth,” said PAC member Doreen Donald. “This requires an integrated approach that brings together stakeholders as well as rights holders from across the watershed to develop and implement strategies that are aimed at achieving a sustainable and resilient system.”
Proposed actions are presented under eight broad themes: Integration & Collaboration, Climate Change, Growth & Development, Water Management, Natural Hazards, Water Quality, Natural Systems, and Education & Outreach. The plan also identifies the agencies and stakeholders that will need to work collaboratively to implement the recommended actions. The draft plan, Backgrounders, Discussion Papers and more information can be found on the MVCA website at Comments will be received until June 25, 2021.
MVCA was established in 1968 by area municipalities to protect and manage shared watershed resources for mutual benefit. Today, MVCA is governed by a Board consisting of 17 members appointed by area municipalities, and delivers services in accordance with the Conservation Authorities Act. For more information, visit and follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
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