Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.
75 viewsPosted on: March 9, 2023
On Wednesday, March 8th, Carleton Place Town Hall announced that they had been notified by the Ministry of Transportation that a recent traffic study at the intersection of Highway 7 and Townline Road has concluded that the intersection now meets the warrant to justify the installation of traffic control signals.
MOT is currently completing a detail design and environmental assessment study for this section of Highway 7 and the traffic signal design has been added to this project. Timing of construction of the project will be determined at a future date, based on completion of the design, environmental assessment, purchase of any necessary property, relocation of utilities, and availability of funding.
“Council and I have heard concerns from residents about this intersection many times. I was thrilled to hear the Province validate those concerns and take steps to ensure the safety of our growing community,” says Mayor Toby Randell. “And a special thank you to John Jordan, our MPP who continues to lobby on behalf of our citizens.”
At the committee of the whole meeting for Carleton Place council on Tuesday March 7, Tracey Freill, Manager of Carleton Place Childcare Services provided a report on inflation pressures on her department and the need to increase fees for certain age groups. She was calling for a 5% increase, beginning in June, for children over 6 years of age except for summer camp and additional care rates. In 2022, the Town was a successful applicant for the Canada-Wide Early Learning & Child Care (CWELCC) $10/day program. As a result, fees for children under age 6 are frozen and continue to reduce under that program. Parents of these children will pay less each year until the $10 per day target is reached. The committee approved the rate increase, a decision which will require ratification at the next full council session.
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