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74 viewsPosted on: March 29, 2020
The Health Unit is overseeing the management by Almonte Country Haven of a COVID-19 outbreak in the long term care home – 3 residents and 1 staff member have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Infection control measures have been put in place to manage the outbreak and are being monitored by the Health Unit. All staff have been instructed to wear Personal Protective Equipment at all times and to self-monitor for symptoms, and to self-isolate at home when not working.
Over the last few days, the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit has received confirmation of 15 cases of COVID-19 as of March 29 at noon – 3 long term care residents, 1 long term care staff member, 8 isolating at home and 3 in hospital. The increase in cases is not surprising for several reasons. The risk is higher in the United States now and more people returning are testing positive. The Assessment Centres are increasing access to both assessment and testing, and hospital labs in Ottawa and Kingston are now able to process the tests of people in our area with results back in one to two days.
“The increase in the number of people in our community who have tested positive for COVID-19 reinforces the importance of people staying at home as much as possible, and staying 6 feet, or two arms lengths away, from others when in public places to reduce the spread of COVID-19.” recommends Dr. Paula Stewart, Medical Officer of Health. In addition, staying home when sick, coughing in to your sleeve, washing hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer, and cleaning commonly touched surfaces will reduce the risk of people becoming ill.
A quarantine of 14 days is now mandatory for all Canadians returning from travel outside of the country. Returning travellers must go straight home upon their return to the country, and rely on help from family, friends, their municipality and local agencies for anything they need.
The provincial government has now directed all food premises to close to the public unless they can arrange for take-out services, all non-essential businesses and personal services settings are closed to the public as well to reduce physical distance between people.
The best way to get reliable information about COIVD-19 is by visiting Please call the Health Unit if you have any questions at 1-800-660-5853 x 2499 from 8:30 to 4:30 every day. You can also get important public health updates by connecting with LGLHealthunit on Facebook and Twitter.
If you have respiratory symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who does, self-isolate at home and then use Ontario’s Self-Assessment Tool for their recommendations. If you need further assistance, call TeleHealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or your health care provider.
Visit Ontario’s website, to learn more about how the province continues to protect Ontarians from COVID-19.
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