Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.
60 viewsPosted on: October 19, 2021
Autumn is a busy time for the Rideau Environmental Action League. Councillor Niki Dwyer shared some exciting fall updates from REAL during the Smiths Falls council meeting Monday evening.
The REAL tool library is up and running: the grand opening was held on October 2. The lending library is stocked with “a really good array of tools … from a toolbox filled with the basics all the way up to specialty tools.” Membership is $25 for a 6-month subscription, or $45 for a year’s subscription. Members can call or email the REAL store to reserve tools for a week at a time. “It is far more cost-effective than buying or renting tools for projects.” Mayor Pankow pointed out that donating tools to the library if you have some you no longer use is a great way to free up space in the shed, and will allow others to make use of them.
Councillor Dwyer and Mayor Pankow both attended the tool library’s grand opening, where the ribbon cutting was fittingly performed with a chainsaw.
REAL’s usual Harvest Dinner is cancelled again this year due to Covid-19. In lieu of the fundraising dinner, REAL is hosting their second annual fall online auction. This can be accessed at, and like last year, we can “have a lot of fun outbidding each other on phenomenal items.”
Councillor Dwyer added that “it’s always a lot of fun … take a look and consider bidding to support REAL.”
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