Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.
63 viewsPosted on: May 16, 2023
During Monday evening’s council meeting in Smiths Falls, Councilor Dawn Quinn shared an update from the Rideau Environmental Action League (REAL).
Last month, REAL held their 56th annual Pitch In, Smiths Falls public clean-up event. Participants picked up 372 lbs of garbage and debris from Smiths Falls roadsides and public spaces.
“We had teams from the hospital, Smiths Falls Scouts, WAK, Church of Latter Day Saints, SFDCI, Chimo School, town staff, and many others who were out and picking up.”
“My most unusual find was a pair of shoes. I’ve found single shoes in the past, but this time I found a pair,” Councilor Quinn said.
On Saturday May 13, the Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario held a “Clear the Attic” sale. “REAL attended with a nice display,” Councilor Quinn noted, “and people that came and talked to REAL got a coupon for 15% off across the street” at the REAL Deal store. “People were having a great time picking out their deals.”
On Saturday May 27, REAL is holding a fundraiser, selling rain barrels and native plants. “Please stop by and support them,” Quinn said.
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