Photo credit: Google Maps screengrab.
95 viewsPosted on: March 28, 2023
During Monday evening’s Committee of the Whole meeting in Smiths Falls, the town’s Manager of Economic Development Julia Crowder brought an update on last week’s job fair at Settlers Ridge.
Crowder reported that over 400 participants came through the job fair. They toured 75 booths belonging to regional and local employers, and employment services as well.
The need for job-seekers and employers to connect was evident. “We know that employers are looking for employees,” Crowder commented, “and there’s ongoing need as people and life circumstances change. So we’re looking at doing another one of these in the fall.”
Councilor Peter McKenna commented on the mutual benefit of such a well-attended job fair. “Not only was it a great turnout for job seekers but also for employers. That is great.”
Councilor Jennifer Miller congratulated Crowder on the successful event. “These events are labour intensive, and you pulled it off in a very quick turnaround time, so thanks to you and your team.”
Crowder added “a big thanks to Chris Saumure who offered up the Settlers Ridge Centre and provided staff to help with setup.”The job fair was presented in partnership with ontrac, the Small Business Advisory Centre, Valley Heartland, the Smiths Falls and District Chamber of Commerce, and Leeds and Grenville.
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