The Upper Canada District School Board is so excited to welcome your child to Kindergarten this September. And registration is now open!
Not only will your child learn literacy and math –they’ll also gain independence as well as problem-solving and critical-thinking skills related to the world around them.
We know your child’s new learning adventure also brings a big transition for your entire family. That’s why we want to support you as much as possible.
Here is some helpful information that will help guide you through the process. If you have more questions, call 1-800-267-7131 or your local school – they will also be happy to help!
Full-Day Kindergarten in Ontario
Children can start school in the year they turn four years old. All schools in Ontario now offer full-day Kindergarten (FDK), which means students go all day, each day.
Research done by the Ontario Ministry of Education found that when students attend the two-year FDK program, they are better prepared to enter Grade 1 and to are more successful in school. Comparisons of children with two years of FDK instruction and children with no FDK instruction showed that those in FDK had reduced risks in social competence development from 10.5 per cent to 5.8 per cent; reduced risks in language and cognitive development from 15.8 per cent to 4.3 per cent, and reduced risks in communication skills and general knowledge development from 10.5 per cent to 5.8 per cent.
What will they learn?
Kindergarten follows a play-based curriculum. Through our play-based learning program, Kindergarten students develop social and emotional skills and learn to build relationships. FDK helps them develop a strong foundation for learning in all areas, including problem solving, creative thinking, and thinking critically about ideas and information in literacy and math.
How do I pick a school?
When it comes to Kindergarten, your child’s school will depend on your location and transportation needs. If there are multiple schools in your catchment area to choose from, visit the schools and find the one that fits your family’s needs. Many schools will be holding Kindergarten virtual sessions later this year and we will promote those events as they arise.
When do I register for Kindergarten?
Parents can register their son or daughter at any time during the year their child turns four. Registration for the 2020-2021 school year with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) is now open.
How do I register?
Parents can register their child online. If you need assistance with the registration process, please phone your local school or 1-800-267-7131. Parents cannot visit a school for registration based on current COVID-19 safety protocols.
What do I need to register?
When you register your child for Kindergarten, you will need proof of age and address. Proof of age could be a Birth Certificate, Passport, Certificate of Canadian Citizenship, Statement of Live Birth or Permanent Resident Card.
The address provided for your child must be the same address as the parent or guardian. For this you can use a utility bill, property tax assessment, lease/rental/mortgage agreement or other official document.
When you register online, you will need to supply these documents to the school prior to when your child starts school. But the school will let you know when!
We can’t wait to welcome your child to Kindergarten this September!