Rideau Lakes Business Recognition Program open for nominations

Photo credit: Rideau Lakes Advantage screengrab [https://youtu.be/CKnKU3yuwP8?si=vED1Wx2Tj9f8VgNg].
Posted on: February 4, 2025

The Township of Rideau Lakes is pleased to announce  that nominations open on Friday, February 7, 2025 for the Business Recognition Awards.

Each year, the Township calls for nominations of businesses located in Rideau Lakes to recognize and celebrate the hard-working business owners and entrepreneurs that provide  employment and services in our communities. The program is sponsored by G. Tackaberry &  Sons Construction Co. Ltd., KPMG MSLP and RBC Royal Bank of Canada.  

“Do you love a local business? Nominate them! Nominations will be open until the first Friday in  March,” says Marie White, program co-ordinator, “the application is simple to complete, and we  can provide assistance. We hope to see lots of businesses nominated.” 

In 2025, a new award category entitled, “New Business Award” was developed for businesses  between 1 and 3 years old. This award replaces the former Young Entrepreneur Award, in order  to include entrepreneurs of all ages. The Rideau Lakes Economic Development Committee is  happy to introduce the new award category in order to recognize young businesses that are  newly established.  

There is an online nomination form using SurveyMonkey, in addition to the traditional Fillable  PDF. This not only makes the nomination process easy, but because the form is now available  as a link, people can share the nomination form with their online networks. 

Once the deadline of March 7, 2025 arrives, a panel of judges will assess the applications and  select the winners.  

“Tackaberry, KPMG and RBC recognize the important contribution made by local businesses to  the community,” Mayor Arie Hoogenboom remarked, “and their sponsorship for the program  shows the incredible support of our corporate sector – which is a real advantage of living and  working in Rideau Lakes.” 

Winners will be celebrated at the annual Business Awards Breakfast, scheduled to take place  on Wednesday, April 16 at the Elgin Lions Community Hall. Place your nomination online at rideaulakes.ca/awards

Hometown News
Author: Hometown News