Rideau Lakes Township moves forward on concept drawings for municipal offices

Rideau Lakes Municipal Offices Chantry
Photo credit: Laurie Weir.
Posted on: August 15, 2024

In a special meeting on Aug. 6, the Township of Rideau Lakes council approved spending over $15,000 to begin plans for salvaging the municipal offices in Chantry. 

Councillors Paula and Jeff Banks attended virtually, and Coun. Linda Carr joined by phone. 

Council agreed to proceed with the initial concept design, costing $15,465, excluding HST, awarded to IDEA of Ottawa, the lowest of five bids.

IDEA’s architects will review the existing building and prepare two renovation/addition designs by September. This includes site placement, floor plans, elevations, public consultations, and cost estimates. An alternative location will also be considered for comparison.

Coun. Paul Banks proposed an amendment to the motion to include additional project deliverables costing over $113,000, but this was defeated. Council opted to focus on the initial designs to determine the feasibility of further work or exploring other options.

Staff prioritized their needs, with many requesting features like a spacious kitchen/lounge, private offices, and an outdoor area for breaks. 

Council passed a bylaw to formalize the agreement with IDEA, with an 8-1 vote, with Coun. Paula Banks dissenting. The project will be funded through year-end results and/or reserves.

Hometown News
Author: Hometown News