Seniors for Climate to celebrate National Seniors Day

Seniors for Climate with signs say "WE ONLY HAVE ONE" with a picture of earth. Other signs that read, "WE NEED CLIMATE ACTION NOW!", "CLIMATE CHANGE KILLS", "HONK FOR CLIMATE ACTION" and more...
Photo credit: Submitted.
Posted on: September 19, 2024

October 1, 2024 is National Seniors Day in Canada, and also the United Nations International Day of Older Persons.

Climate Network Lanark is enthusiastically joining Seniors for Climate for a day of action, to bring attention to the worsening climate emergency. Seniors and other members of the greater Perth and Lanark County community are invited to gather together along Hwy 7 at Wilson Street in Perth, on Tuesday, October 1, from 11:45 am to 1:15 pm. If you are planning to drive, please park away from the site.

Photo credit: Submitted.

Canada’s seniors know that the number one existential threat to life on Earth is climate change. This threat is not being addressed with the necessary speed and urgent attention that the crisis demands. On October 1, seniors will hold over 50 climate events across Canada, to call on governments of all levels to take climate action now. Later is too late!

In recent times in eastern Ontario we have experienced ticks and Lyme disease, increasingly hot summers and mild, rainy winters, droughts and floods, intense smoke from raging wildfires, and disasters like tornadoes and the deadly derecho. The list goes on. The cause of all of this is global heating, caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

Seniors for Climate is a Canadian coalition of six climate groups mobilizing to bring attention to the worsening climate emergency. 

  • We’re in the race of our lives. We need to act NOW. Later Is Too Late! 
  • We want faster and deeper action on climate by all levels of government. 
  • We must phase out the burning of fossil fuels. 
  • We need to speed up the transition to renewable power and clean energy. 
  • We must move the financial sector away from its support of fossil fuels.
  • We need climate action that is broad-based and preserves a livable future for our grandchildren.
Photo credit: Submitted.

Hometown News
Author: Hometown News