A new food and drink trail featuring Lanark County’s many diverse culinary offerings has enjoyed the sweet taste of success since its initial launch by the Lanark County Tourism Association (LCTA) last July.
The Sip & Savour Trail is a one-stop-shop resource designed to help foodies explore the region’s diverse food and drink offerings, including breweries, distilleries, farmers’ markets, restaurants, maple syrup producers, chocolatiers and more. Visitors can take part in an adventure focused around chocolate, craft spirits, beer, cider, fine cuisine, and delicious delicacies all organized along carefully curated paths.
In 2020, the Sip & Savour Trail will continue to be expanded upon, and Lanark County has committed to providing provided $10,000 in funding for project development to LCTA.
“We have plans in 2020 to not only continue our ongoing marketing efforts, but also to host a media tour that will showcase the trail and destinations to regional travel media, and help spread the word about the experience,” said Bob Mingie, LCTA president.
The Sip & Savour Trail, which has been three years in the making, now has over 35 destinations. Whether you’re a chocolate lover, beer or cider drinker, coffee connoisseur, farmers’ market fanatic, have an extreme sweet tooth, or just an all-around foodie, Lanark County has something for you.
With the unique offerings Lanark County has on tap, including more breweries and distilleries per capita than Ottawa, the trail has increased the number of tourists visiting to the region. It’s a trend the LCTA wants to continue.
Since its launch, marketing efforts for the Sip & Savour trail have reached more than 400,000 people, and has been well received by the Ottawa market.
“We’re very happy with the results from the trail’s first year,” said Mingie. “The LCTA is looking to build on last year’s success.”
The trail offers visitors a complete experience including lodging at the many unique boutique hotels and cozy bed and breakfasts within Lanark County. Staying one or more nights encourages travellers to relax, slow down and fully explore what the county has to offer.
The trail was made possible by funding provided through Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization’s Tourism Destination Development Program, Lanark County and the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.
About LCTA:
LCTA is a not for profit, membership-based organization dedicated to promoting the interests of its members and tourism within Lanark County. LCTA members currently include more than 70 tourism operators and stakeholders, including the municipalities of Perth, Smiths Falls, Mississippi Mills, Carleton Place and Beckwith Township.
For more information about the Sip & Savour Trail project, contact LCTA at lanarkcountytourismassociation@gmail.com or visit www.savourlanark.ca.