Smiths Falls and Lanark County collaborate on affordable housing initiatives

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Photo credit: Pixabay.
Posted on: September 10, 2024

Average wait time for housing is 3 to 8 years with 419 individuals on the waitlist


Smiths Falls is collaborating with Lanark County to address affordable housing and support residents in precarious situations. 

During a regular meeting on Sept. 9, council members received an update on the 2023 housing and homelessness strategy from Lanark County, presented by Housing Manager Kaitlyn Murray and Community Support Services Manager Brooke Coutts.

Lanark County has invested over $5 million into two housing projects in Smiths Falls: five units at 188 Chambers St., supported by $1.635 million in Phase 4 Provincial Social Services Relief Funding, and 28 rent-geared-to-income units at 44 Chambers St., including six affordable units, in partnership with Carebridge Community Support. This project received $742,000 in Phase 5 relief funds and $2.9 million in municipal funding.

Wait List Update

The county’s wait list for rent-geared-to-income housing saw 465 applicants in 2023, including 254 new applicants, with 32 given special priority due to domestic abuse or human trafficking. Last year, the county offered 50 units, 19 of which went to special priority applicants. Legislative changes have reduced the wait list by 10 per cent, limiting applicants to one refusal before being removed from the list.

“This does impact our waitlist quite a bit,” Murray noted.

Other Initiatives

The county also provided down payment assistance to four individuals transitioning to homeownership, with a total investment of $103,000. Additionally, 26 homes received $284,000 in renovation funding through loans, and 252 individuals benefited from a portable housing program totalling $284,000. The Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative supported 27 residents with $62,146 for various rent supports.

The homeless response team reported:

  • 116 new referrals to the By-Names List.
  • 62 housed from the By-Names List.
  • 120 backpacks were distributed.
  • 475 gift cards provided.
  • 341 individuals assisted by the after-hours homeless assistance program.
  • A successful Rural Homelessness Conference.

Coun. Chris McGuire inquired whether residents who moved into the new Chambers Street units were from Smiths Falls. 

Murray indicated that although they don’t typically track this data, it could be pulled for council. 

“It would be nice to see how many people in Smiths Falls were helped by these units, and what kind of dent it’s making in our housing affordability problem,” McGuire added.

Mayor Shawn Pankow expressed gratitude to the county and the staff for their efforts in housing residents and questioned the reduction in the wait list from 713 in 2021/’22. 

Murray confirmed that legislative changes were the main reason for the decrease, although some cross-municipality applicants remain dormant.

The current wait list includes 410 people, and 29 special priority applicants, with 198 waiting for a unit in Smiths Falls. Murray stated, “The average wait times vary drastically and depend on what applicants are looking for. It can average three to eight years.”

In response to Mayor Pankow’s question on how to further help the situation, Murray suggested, “More affordable housing is always great. Supporting our private markets to continue offering rent supports, reducing property taxes and development charges, and encouraging developers to include affordable units in their buildings.”

“Every unit makes a difference to one person,” she emphasized.

Coun. Peter McKenna praised the report as a “snapshot rich with information right across the county.” For more details on the 10-year housing and homelessness plan, visit Lanark County’s website.

Hometown News
Author: Hometown News

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