Poof: Illusionists Ted and Marion Outerbridge disappear from Smiths Falls

Ted and Marion Outerbridge
Ted and Marion Outerbridge offer fun, awe, magic and laughter during their shows of illusion across the province. The Smiths Falls couple will soon embark on a new season showcasing “Outerbridge Magic – Mysteries of the Keyhole House” which kicks off in Meaford, Ont., in July. Photo credit: Laurie Weir.
Posted on: May 13, 2024

Ted and Marion Outerbridge, masters of illusion, have disappeared from Smiths Falls – when it comes to their show, that is. 

Prepare to witness the spectacular escapades of the Outerbridges as they embark on a journey beyond the Station Theatre in town. 

With a flair for fun, magic, and a generously doused in historical charm, this dynamic duo is set to spread their wings (and capes) as they hit the road this year, starting this summer in Meaford.

“When the time is right, we will be back in Smiths Falls,” Ted told this publication May 9 from the comfort of the Keyhole House – their historical brick home on Brockville Street, and from which their show – “Outerbridge Magic – Mysteries of the Keyhole House” — has taken shape over the past five years. 

Get ready to be dazzled as the Outerbridges bring their unique blend of entertainment to audiences far and wide. From mesmerizing illusions to mind-bending tricks, their show promises to be a whirlwind adventure filled with laughter and awe.

“We created our show about our experience living in a historic house in Smiths Falls,” Ted said. “The show celebrates the history of our house and the town.”

Last year, the duo performed across Lanark County with shows in Smiths Falls, Perth and Carleton Place, as well as in Ottawa and Gananoque, giving even more exposure for this show which has piqued curiosities around the world. 

Ted and Marion Outerbridge
Ted and Marion Outerbridge. Photo credit: Laurie Weir.

Marion and Ted moved to Smiths Falls in 2018 and were struck by the architecture and history of the town, “but we stayed because of the people,” they said. “We are grateful for many wonderful friendships we have made in the past five years.”

During their first summer in Smiths Falls, the duo presented 10 sold-out “Clockwork Mysteries” shows on Saturday nights at the Station Theatre. Their goal was to become a destination in the summer and still tour their established circuit of performances in the fall and winter. They have performed 80 shows in Smiths Falls since their arrival. Trip Advisor states that entertainment at the Station Theatre is No. 2 on the list, behind the Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario.

According to the Ontario Tourism Regional Economic Impact Model, the 8,000 plus visitors who have attended the Outerbridges’ performances in Smiths Falls have had a substantial economic impact in Smiths Falls. “It indicates that our performances have generated over $1M in local tourism spending,” Ted said. 

What is interesting about their show is their connection to local history. The Outerbridges have been collecting interesting artifacts since they moved into the Keyhole House — both from the home itself and by perusing antique markets. Ted shares this love of history through a number of social media channels, where he has amassed over 300,000 followers. Their TikTok following is one of the most impressive with millions of views accumulated over their short videos. 

Of special note is a golf ball – one they found in the house. What is so neat about this? Brooke Henderson, Smiths Falls’ LPGA superstar, has a connection to the home. Her grandparents, Clem and Beverley Henderson lived here, too. But how did that golf ball get into the wall of the Keyhole House? The answer is still unclear, but they discovered that the Poonahmalee Golf Course was built across the street from their home, which operated until about 1930. That golf ball is more than 100 years old and originates in England. 

But the Outerbridges latest show – Mysteries of the Keyhole House, brings to life the story of Agnes Lamb, who was born in Kitley Township in 1846 and died in the house in 1903. Her crumbling tomb at a cemetery in Rideau Lakes Township, just outside Smiths Falls, has since been restored, thanks to the stories written about the family by Ted, which appear online and as guest columns and in the local newspaper, Hometown News

In a realm where reality meets illusion and the past intertwines with the present, the Keyhole House emerges as a unique beacon of fascination. Far from a conventional magic show, it stands as a living tribute to the departed, offering a real-time celebration of lives lived here.

Nestled within its walls lies an ethereal realm, where visitors are transported into a mesmerizing journey that transcends time and space. As guests step into this enchanting domain, they are enveloped by an atmosphere that breathes life into memories and emotions.

The Keyhole House serves as a poignant bridge between the tangible and the imaginable, inviting individuals to explore the depths of their own souls. With each encounter, it leaves an indelible mark, igniting a profound connection that lingers long after departure.

Prepare to be captivated by the allure of the Keyhole House, where every moment is a testament to the beauty of existence and the enduring power of remembrance.

So, buckle up and join the Outerbridges as they weave their magic across the province this year, leaving a trail of wonder and delight in their wake. It’s sure to be a journey you won’t soon forget!


The Outerbridges are preparing to take their show across Ontario this year and early next year. Dates are: 

July 8-13, Meaford
July 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, Carleton Place
Sept. 4, Tweed
Sept. 5, Bancroft
Oct. 24, St. Catharines
Oct. 25, Milton
Oct. 26, Markham
Nov. 8, Guelph
Dec. 31, Oakville
Jan. 2-8, 2025, Ottawa
March 9, 10, 2025, Burlington

Check out this link for tickets to the Outerbridges’ shows this year.

Hometown News
Author: Hometown News